Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Attack of thre fly trap.

This morning the wife,  you know her as she must be obeyed,  Woke early and decided that a cup of tea would be nice and proceeded to make.  In the depths of darkness in the kitchen awaiting was THE FLY TRAP!    While the jug was taking its time to boil my wife yauned and streached knocking down the Fly trap and it attached with revenge.  and the ability to strange her as she struggled and screamed like a rabbit in the jaws of death. I swear that I heard the echo returning from the blue mountains in the distance, miles to the North, some hundred miles to the north. The dogs from miles around sensed the danger and all at once erupted into melodious chorus in the Key of "E".  The rooster fell from his purch and yoddled about the the chook yard.  By this time the trap was exerting its hold and then grabbed her by the hair and she struggled and screamed more and the dogs barked in unison.  I being fast asleep was woken to the noises of the attacker and the attacked and ran to her rescue.  I turned the corner into the kitchen to fend off the attacker and then I saw..  :)  and had to beat a retreat as the laughter fell over me and to be seen doing such would have landed me in deep water.  My saying it's only the FLY TRAPdidn't help things .  Which brings me to those famous words in a song "some days are diamonds and some days are stone"  I think thats where the bloke got the words from! History repeating itself...Nuff said cause the water is deep...Cheers Stewart

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