Friday, April 15, 2011


Sickness in small doses is good for the soul, it makes the good times feel better. Try this next time you are sick laugh  smile tell jokes and the like. Why do I tell you these things? My son was one of those kids that feels pain and he wanted attention from the doctors and the result was the same long wait and no result. thinking how I deal with these situations I took him to my mate Rodney, Now Rodney was a genuinely funny character what you would call a comedian. So instead of turning to go to the hospital I turned to go to Rodney's place and the patient wanted to know where we were going and I said to this new doctor I found. We arrived at Rodney's place and the patient wouldn't get out of the car. I tooted the horn and out came Rodney with in three minutes Rodney had the patient in fits of laughter. I asked how much he charged for the consultation and he said it was free the best medical diognosis and a good result best doctor or should I say quack I have ever been to. Rodney called the patient his mister fix it man and my son made friends with Rodney. I first meet Rodney at a garage sale I was having and he stayed and we laughed constantly for an hour and I finally asked Rodney what he did for a living and he said he was a comedian. So I asks what name did he go under and he said Rodney Rude. I haven't seen Rodney for years so if you read this drop me a line. Do a google search and you should find him....

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