Sunday, June 19, 2011


When I was a scout leader I got to take the scouts on outings to different places like the usual fire station and police station so some ingenuity into where to take them next. My mate had this lolly shop and made boiled lollies. He agreed to let us visit and he meet the group at the door and laid down the law do not touch the lollies and he said it with solemn face and all the seriousness he could prevail. He mixed up a batch on the tables with all the colours of the rainbow and drew it threw the dies and into the cutting machine and the lollies came out at about a thousand a minute. He then mixed up a batch in the groups colours all the time with questions coming quick and fast. When they cooled down with a glint in his eye said they were so good and showed restraint and they could help them selves to what was on the table, all bedlam was let loose in those next few seconds. The rumble was over in short of a minute. Then he said he would make a lolly pop on a stick for the leader ME it wasn't the usual lolly pop cause he used a broom handle for the stick and the lolly was over a meter on diameter. Huge it was But what do you do with a lolly pop that big. The following week I had a game at the hall and there was a special surprise for the winner of the game. The game was won and out came the big lolly pop and a hammer. The lolly pop was put on the floor and struck with the hammer and even to my surprise it shattered into a million bits and there was a scramble that followed. They were fun times......

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