Monday, December 5, 2011

National parks and the water authorities

I was walking in the bush in a controlled area that is it is gated to stop the common trash entering the area. I walked deep into the area and low and behold trash dumped in the bush by whom you might ask.
If I was going to dump rubbish then I would have dumped it at the gate, not carry it two kilometers into the gated area and so would any normal person.
It appears to be the ones with the keys to the locks are dumping the rubbish. The custodians of the lands and the animals. We the people are being forced from the lands by greedy self serving officials with there own agenda. The question is what is really there agenda, the law states that persons squatting on the lands for more than twenty five years get to keep it. These payed positions are given to you guessed it politicians and there families and they will own the land and then there is nothing that can be done.
So the thing to do is enter these areas and keep the land in the public domain.

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