Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well I have spoken before about rats and mice and about the brown snake in the roof space. Now this snake not being one you can talk to decided to move into the house and sleep on the bed in the spare room, I had this mate come to stay and he slept in the room on the bed and you wouldn't frigging believe it the snake objected and bit him on the frigging elbow. War has now been declared on snakes and mice.I will concentrate on the rodents as they are more dangerous to my health. The mate lived threw the ordeal and his wife now don't trust me.
I don't know why it wasn't me who bit him...

This brings me to the problem of food storage and the elimination of waste. I have bought some stainless steel cans for rice and dog food. I also got a second fridge to put food in but it don't work but the mice can not get in. You can here them gnawing the bottom of the fridge....Waste plastic and paper are removed from the area, mice can get threw a HOLE as big as the word hole so you have to be diligent when constructing your abode....

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