Monday, October 5, 2009


Being a diver requires training and I did it before training days, over the years I was required to do all sorts of work as a diver, the best work was diving as a pearl diver on the barrier reef in Queensland being in amongst all sorts of sea creatures some of them deadly (cone shell). If you get stung by these its more than likely curtains. Then there were the killer wales so beautiful and Manta rays probably 20 feet in diameter with there graceful wings. The worst was diving in mud 60 feet below the surface with electric oxy lance cutting of steel using 300 amps of current, all you could do was feel where to cut and set it going. At the end of an hour I came to the surface with one of the worst headaches you could imagine all for $10 per hour. I have dived in Sydney's prospect reservoir down a pipe about 200 meters and floated out steel plates with air bags. Picked up huge boulders from the bottom of Pt. Kembla harbour where the silt made it impossible to see what I was to lift. I got the bends twice and was put in a hyper Barack unit on straight oxygen . Life has smiled on me . Would I do it all again ? Yes. also check out Stewart

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