Monday, October 12, 2009

Minesmobile and swimming

A minesmobile is a tractor with interchangeable parts, crane frontend loader or forklift. I was asked to take a pallet of bricks into an area to set up a stopping (stopping is a brick wall to direct air flow down tunnels to provide ventilation). The job required to go threw water up to the seat on the machine leave the bricks and return with the minesmoblle to the train tracks end. Well the trip in was uneventful water up to my waste. On the return we didnt have the bricks to protect the machine and in to the water we went pushing the water ahead and the water getting deeper and finally the water had no where to go and it started to return and it got deeper and deeper and finally the machine stopped, and the water came back down the tunnel and swamped the engine and when the water stopped the headlights was all that could be seen sticking out of the water. The undermanager came in and asked who was driving the machine? My mates as they always did dobbed me in. He then turned to me and asked what do you have to say for yourself? Well he had this friend who couldnt do wrong, so thinking fast I said John (names changed to protect there identity) couldnt get it in that far! Well he said John would get it out, so I was given the job of getting it out. So in I went with wire rope and shackle in hand and dived under the water holding my breath to shackle the machine up so as to tow it out. I got the machine out and I was lucky it was the end of the shift and we left and went out it was very cold ....cheers Stewart

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